Volunteer Opportunities and Internships

We enjoy providing opportunities for individuals to volunteer at the farm. Monika, our naturalist and Margie, your farmer, work closely with individuals and small groups to plan out meaningful experiences, meet school or project goals, or simply learn a new skill.
Over the years we have created plans for:
- AIM students learning work skills
- HS students completing personal projects and volunteer hours for IB and NHS Girl Scouts earning badges
- WWOOF volunteers exploring specific skills
- Youths acquiring work experience
- Individuals who love farming and nature
Internships & Volunteer Opportunities Include
- Maintaining and monitoring Bluebird Trail and Boxes
- Identifying/Maintaining Wildflower Meadows
- Expanding and upkeep of conservation projects
- Leading bird Walks
- Creating a visitor Guide for guests
- Caring for smaller farm animals
- Assisting in gardens planting, pruning trees, composting
- Identifying and cataloging pond life
- Assisting with children’s programs
- Helping with special needs guests ( wheelchairs, etc)
- Supervision during large group events
- Social media maintance
- Clearing trails, removing brush
- Install and maintain mason bee homes
- Lead a farm tour
We can develop a program right for your individual needs. Contact us directly for more information.
Phone: (607) 329-4023 (Mobile users, tap to call)
Email: bluebirdtrailfarm@gmail.com

2025 Bluebird Trail Farm: 951 & 921 Harris Road in Corning, NY 14830 Phone: 607.329.4023 | Website by: Thirsty Fish Graphic Design .